About Me

MY Pen Name is Avian Dream, I like it so if you don't, the exit button is at the top right, (it's the red square with the white X.) I Love Reading, Writing, and A WHOLE bunch of other things. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't, I don't care. For those of you that do like what I'm writing, Enjoy.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Walking Alone Towards Dreams of Glory

I walk alone. I walk alone.

In the light’s, gleaming like the sun.  The stage is clean, sparkling under the flashes of the camera’s that are held by no one.  The white noise surrounds me, keeping me locked in a silent battle with myself.  There is no one around, no presence stands out.  I constantly look to the single door at the back of the theater, but it stays shut; locked against people for the rest of eternity.

I walk alone. I walk alone.

I look down at the rows upon rows of perfect black seats that fill this place.  Not a single person there now.  The once enchanting room I’d placed my hopes and dreams upon, though still as glamorous, had lost its shine to me.  Now it was a dull place, a place reminding me of what I’d gained.  Or in other words, what I’d lost.

I walk alone in the world I created.

I’d left behind my innocence just out of high school, foolishly thinking about the fame and glory that were on my Northern horizon, covered in a misty haze of what I’d once thought of as an illustrious shimmer, waiting for me to bathe myself in it.  It had called to me, and I’d walked into it freely, not even noticing the thorny briars which had slithered in silently behind me, closing up the way back.

I walk alone, by myself.

It had led me around like a love sick bee, following the most lovely and holiest scent right into the clutches of the ugliest flower ever created.  It had not a single redeeming quality to make it worthwhile, but it was not till I touched the smarmy petals that I finally felt the spine-chilling sinister shadow that had at some point surrounded me.

I walked alone, into Hell’s wicked embrace.

I had finally figured out what I had done, but I no longer knew how to save myself.  I AM ALONE.  I don’t have an inkling of how to make my way out of this thorny forest’s sickening grasp.  I was too far into this dark haven to know where Home was.  I had left it all behind when my childish naivety had lead me too far into the future.  I was sorry, but I was most sorry about having left Him behind.

I have walked alone.

I betrayed him with my thoughtless adolescent mind.  I’d been so ready to move on to that next stage in life, so I’d thrown him away with everyone and everything I’d ever had. Taking a leap of faith over a 'Road Closed' sign and hoping I’d eventually find my way There, to where I was supposed to have been.

I walked alone, so I never made it There.

I Wanted Him.  I really wanted him now, but I couldn’t find my way in this mindless maze of creepy briar.  I didn’t know the way.  I couldn’t do it by myself.  I was ALONE.  All ALONE.  I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore; I was being pushed deeper and deeper into my dark forest.  I fell to the ground in despair, all was lost, all was gone.  It was all hopeless, I AM ALONE!  And then something changed.

I sat alone.

I’d received a card... from Him!  He was still with me!  A pinky nail sized ray of light shinned into heart, and it was the most dazzling thing I’d seen in so long.  My eyes welled with tears, but I stood up, dusted myself off, and began to follow the light.

I walk alone, but I wasn’t ALONE,(and, if I wasn’t mistaken, the briars in the direction I’d started for where just a titch bit thinner than those around them.)

I Walk Alone, Towards You…


  1. really good! i like how instead of just saying "i walk alone i walk alone" you threw in other things like "i sat alone" and "i walked alone into hells wicked embrace" it really shows how much time you put into this!

  2. WOW. . . this is crazy wicked awesome. you should seriously think about writing poetry for a living. this is seriously amazing stuff

  3. So good! I loved how it ended on a way to happiness. There was just really good imagery. Super good!

  4. I love all of the visual wording. I love that there is a story throughout the the entire thing. I love that you use such descriptive wording instead of just the usual. I love that the ending is sort of a bittersweet type of thing.

  5. This is so good. I really liked how when you said I walk alone, you added something to it like: I walk alone towards you.
    P.S. your word choice is impeccable.

  6. Very well written I can see how it all looked and how it felt. Great job.
