About Me

MY Pen Name is Avian Dream, I like it so if you don't, the exit button is at the top right, (it's the red square with the white X.) I Love Reading, Writing, and A WHOLE bunch of other things. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't, I don't care. For those of you that do like what I'm writing, Enjoy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It’s a school night tonight

And I can’t go to sleep.

My mind is in a daze of emotion.

I just can’t stop thinking.

Thinking of you.

I’m Thinking About You

I’m thinking about you like Cheese thinks about Mac.

Like Jill thinks about Jack.

Like a deer thinks about its rack.

I’m thinking about you like stars think about shinning

And firefly’s think about glowing.

Like Footballer’s think about throwing.

I’m thinking of you like a professor thinks about torture,

And contestants think about being sure.

I’m thinking about you like dogs think about cats,

And cats think about hating water.

I’m thinking about you like rain thinks about falling,

And falling thinks… Ouch.

I’m thinking about you.

Like the past thinks about the future,

And the future thinks about the past.

Like in History class, when instead of thinking about you…

I’m dreaming about you.

I’m thinking about you like a captain thinks of the nine,

And bakers think about Thyme,

While people think about Time.

I’m thinking about you like I think about the journal I kept at five,

When I didn’t know how to write so I drew pictures…

Of You.

Cause I’ve been thinking about you like the sun thinks about the moon,

Like a wormhole thinks about a black hole,

And Aliens think about Mars.

I’m thinking about you like Egyptians think about Gods

Like trees think about pods,

And meteors think about, Showering.

I’m thinking about you like night thinks about day.

And I’m writing it here,


This is the only place I can honestly say to the world,

“I’m only thinking about You”


  1. UNREAL! i love when you said draw pictures. of you. very very well done:)

  2. it's really clever! i like the part where you talk about the rain falling i wasn't expecting it! good work

  3. I like that you have a story to go along with your post. Great job!! =]

  4. Me too! It had a cool impact :)i really like your writing style! but your music is kinda blocking your profile
