About Me

MY Pen Name is Avian Dream, I like it so if you don't, the exit button is at the top right, (it's the red square with the white X.) I Love Reading, Writing, and A WHOLE bunch of other things. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't, I don't care. For those of you that do like what I'm writing, Enjoy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Death just IS

I Never Knew How Frightening Life Could Be,

But Now That It Has Snuck Up On Me,

I Realize,


I am afraid that I won’t live to see tomorrow, but if I do that tomorrow will be the end of me.

I am afraid of the open sky and I wonder why we all couldn’t just FLY.

I am afraid that boys won’t like me and girls secretly talk behind my back about me.

I am afraid of Public Humiliation, and the sin of creation.

I am afraid of what it takes to make it big and how hard it is to fall.

I am afraid that I mean nothing to no one in this vast universe.

I am afraid of drowning and the suddenness of doubting.

I am afraid of failure and how others stare.

I am afraid Of Love and the world above.

I am afraid of the silence in the dark.

I am afraid of snakes, spiders, and sharks.

I am afraid of the vastness of time and male mimes.

I am afraid of having a family to call my own and then losing it.

I am afraid of the earth and the sea.

I am afraid of something, nothing, and everything.

I am afraid of you.

I am afraid of me.

That is just how life is, and now that I know, I can say,


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Walking Alone Towards Dreams of Glory

I walk alone. I walk alone.

In the light’s, gleaming like the sun.  The stage is clean, sparkling under the flashes of the camera’s that are held by no one.  The white noise surrounds me, keeping me locked in a silent battle with myself.  There is no one around, no presence stands out.  I constantly look to the single door at the back of the theater, but it stays shut; locked against people for the rest of eternity.

I walk alone. I walk alone.

I look down at the rows upon rows of perfect black seats that fill this place.  Not a single person there now.  The once enchanting room I’d placed my hopes and dreams upon, though still as glamorous, had lost its shine to me.  Now it was a dull place, a place reminding me of what I’d gained.  Or in other words, what I’d lost.

I walk alone in the world I created.

I’d left behind my innocence just out of high school, foolishly thinking about the fame and glory that were on my Northern horizon, covered in a misty haze of what I’d once thought of as an illustrious shimmer, waiting for me to bathe myself in it.  It had called to me, and I’d walked into it freely, not even noticing the thorny briars which had slithered in silently behind me, closing up the way back.

I walk alone, by myself.

It had led me around like a love sick bee, following the most lovely and holiest scent right into the clutches of the ugliest flower ever created.  It had not a single redeeming quality to make it worthwhile, but it was not till I touched the smarmy petals that I finally felt the spine-chilling sinister shadow that had at some point surrounded me.

I walked alone, into Hell’s wicked embrace.

I had finally figured out what I had done, but I no longer knew how to save myself.  I AM ALONE.  I don’t have an inkling of how to make my way out of this thorny forest’s sickening grasp.  I was too far into this dark haven to know where Home was.  I had left it all behind when my childish naivety had lead me too far into the future.  I was sorry, but I was most sorry about having left Him behind.

I have walked alone.

I betrayed him with my thoughtless adolescent mind.  I’d been so ready to move on to that next stage in life, so I’d thrown him away with everyone and everything I’d ever had. Taking a leap of faith over a 'Road Closed' sign and hoping I’d eventually find my way There, to where I was supposed to have been.

I walked alone, so I never made it There.

I Wanted Him.  I really wanted him now, but I couldn’t find my way in this mindless maze of creepy briar.  I didn’t know the way.  I couldn’t do it by myself.  I was ALONE.  All ALONE.  I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore; I was being pushed deeper and deeper into my dark forest.  I fell to the ground in despair, all was lost, all was gone.  It was all hopeless, I AM ALONE!  And then something changed.

I sat alone.

I’d received a card... from Him!  He was still with me!  A pinky nail sized ray of light shinned into heart, and it was the most dazzling thing I’d seen in so long.  My eyes welled with tears, but I stood up, dusted myself off, and began to follow the light.

I walk alone, but I wasn’t ALONE,(and, if I wasn’t mistaken, the briars in the direction I’d started for where just a titch bit thinner than those around them.)

I Walk Alone, Towards You…

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It’s a school night tonight

And I can’t go to sleep.

My mind is in a daze of emotion.

I just can’t stop thinking.

Thinking of you.

I’m Thinking About You

I’m thinking about you like Cheese thinks about Mac.

Like Jill thinks about Jack.

Like a deer thinks about its rack.

I’m thinking about you like stars think about shinning

And firefly’s think about glowing.

Like Footballer’s think about throwing.

I’m thinking of you like a professor thinks about torture,

And contestants think about being sure.

I’m thinking about you like dogs think about cats,

And cats think about hating water.

I’m thinking about you like rain thinks about falling,

And falling thinks… Ouch.

I’m thinking about you.

Like the past thinks about the future,

And the future thinks about the past.

Like in History class, when instead of thinking about you…

I’m dreaming about you.

I’m thinking about you like a captain thinks of the nine,

And bakers think about Thyme,

While people think about Time.

I’m thinking about you like I think about the journal I kept at five,

When I didn’t know how to write so I drew pictures…

Of You.

Cause I’ve been thinking about you like the sun thinks about the moon,

Like a wormhole thinks about a black hole,

And Aliens think about Mars.

I’m thinking about you like Egyptians think about Gods

Like trees think about pods,

And meteors think about, Showering.

I’m thinking about you like night thinks about day.

And I’m writing it here,


This is the only place I can honestly say to the world,

“I’m only thinking about You”

Friday, September 2, 2011

Love Is...

Love is a stick of DYNAMITE (it doesn't seem very dangerous until it's been lit.)
Love is a sliver of light shinning through a crack.
Love is a nightlight (it comforts you, but can also make the shadows even scarier.)
Love is the clouds that cover the sun.
Love is the rainbow after the storm.


Hello to anyone who reads this.  This is a better version of my intro.  I am Avian Dream.  I thought this sounded good so I decided to use it.  I love Reading, Writing, and Ancient World History.  I want to learn how to better write down my thought's because I have many stories crowding together in my head.  I hope that by keeping this Blog I will come to be able to write better in the future and maybe eventually publish some books.  Anyways, I enjoy feedback whether it be good or bad, just keep it CLEAN.

Thanks for Reading,