About Me

MY Pen Name is Avian Dream, I like it so if you don't, the exit button is at the top right, (it's the red square with the white X.) I Love Reading, Writing, and A WHOLE bunch of other things. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't, I don't care. For those of you that do like what I'm writing, Enjoy.

Monday, December 12, 2011

This is for the insomniac dreamers, the astronomers too afraid to become astronauts, this is for the old people who still don't want to grow up.

Be Yourself

This is for the writers who can't finish a single story before moving on to the next, for the artists who are still amateurs at best, this is for the pianists whose favorite song is still 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'.

Be Yourself

This is for the children who can't reach, the babie's who can't walk, and the teens who can't read...

Be Yourself

This is for the singers who mess up on stage, the dancers who fall hard, and this one is for the men whose live proposal gets rejected.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself for those who can't, for those who are stuck in the moulds they were born in, for those who are to artificial, and those who are made of to much plastic and Botox to even think about leting that all go.

Just Be Yourself!


Horchata- Vampire Weekend
Arram Draper thinks back to the time he lived in the country of his birth.  Though he had a lot of bad memories from that time, the only memories that surfaced were the ones that gave him a nostalgic peaceful feeling.  Not everything was as bad as he’d thought most of his life.

Who Says- Selena Gomez
Lily Matill is a normal girl.  She works hard most of her life to become what other people want her to be.  Finally she breaks and realizes it’s better to just be who you truly are.   She wants  to be who she is and tries to explain this new belief to those around her.

On My Way- Phil Collins
Milo Katill is an adventurer and is ready, as he sets out on his journey, for both the hardships and the nice times this journey will bring.  He looks forward to meeting new people, and making friends while seeing new lands and places.  He is very optimistic as he walks toward the future.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Story

I married Edward Cullen in the basement of Los Hermanos last nightI had arrived there in a white Jetta already in my wedding dress and I was pissed.  I didn't want to go in so I pulled around to an out of sight spot but he still found me.  Like the whisper of a wind he was just suddenly there.  I wasn't startled, I'd already gotten used to these sudden appearances.  I ignored him as I watched the sun set behind the mountains.  It was really pretty, the magenta mixing with the red, orange, and blue.  He let me sit there, quietly watching me as I watched the sunset. As the last bit of sun disappeared he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry."

I glanced over at him, and quickly looked away.  His face was saturated with love and his expression had enough puppy filled sorrow to stop a war.  He really looked like an angel just then, his beauty was intoxicating and I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for much longer.
I tuned towards him looking past him so I wouldn't fall prey to his enticingly good looks. 

"It's your fault,” I said calmly.

"I know."

"You shouldn't have done it."

"I'm sorry."

His voice finally got to me and my resolve cracked.  "Fine, I'll forgive you, but on one condition."

"Anything." His breath caressed me as he leaned over and whispered the word in my ear."

I kissed him on the cheek and opened my door setting my feet on the ground then looking over my shoulder I said, “I want a Kitten."

I don't know if vampires can go into shock or not but, Edward sure looked like he was about to faint.  I smiled and walked inside Los Hermanos and down the stairs to the alter where I would finally be tied to Edward for forever.  My last thought before the ceremony being I wonder if there is a way to make cats immortal, too.

: D - By the way, MY Edward Cullen looks a lot like Ian Somerhalder.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Déjà Vu

Leaping Out
Reaching For Her
Jerking Her Towards Him
Me, Responding Instantly
No Hesitation

I Moved
To Save Her
Only Problem
He Responded Too
He Was Closer

I Circled

But I Was Blocked Off

He Saved Her


The Vampire Academy
Shadow Kiss
Richelle Mead
Page 98

          It was déjà vu.
          Stan leapt out from a copse of trees and reached for Lissa, wrapping his arms around her torso and jerking her toward him.  My body responded instantly, no hesitation whatsoever as I moved to "save" her.  The only problem was that Eddie had responded instantly too, and he was closer, which put him there ahead of me.  I circled, trying to get in on the action, but the way the two were squaring off blocked me from being effective.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Secrets of a Warrior

The King of Vesarae is dead. Word was spreading throughout the kingdom and by the time the farthest village had heard, the King's funeral procession had begun. His final resting place would be Palace of Kings, a cemetery made for royalty and their progeny. His body was being brought there inside a mahogany casket carried between four horses each lead by one the King's trusted generals.

Behind the King, riding in an open carriage draped in black, was the queen and their young five year old daughter, Crown Princess Vasaelisa Arianna Nya Josephine. Both were pale having had a hard week making decisions for the funeral. Aria had been included in the proceedings as long as she'd kept quiet and out of the way. The Queen worried about her, she hadn't spoken a word since her father had been pronounced dead.

As the procession reached the big stone doors of the Palace of Kings, Queen Aadora gripped her daughter's hand. If it hadn't been for that little hand staying by her side through all of this, she was sure she'd have collapsed in despair by now. Looking down at her daughter she saw the late Kings big expressive cerulean colored eyes staring up at her with a strong determination, not so commonly found in children, and just with seeing that expression on her daughter's face the Queen came to a decision. She made a silent promise to her daughter, to rule this kingdom with all she had and make it prosper in preparation for when her daughter became the queen. However, she realized, this may not be possible for she had made a reckless deal with the King of Almidon last night.

Aria had gone to bed and she had gone to meet with King Vaylor, who'd requested audience with her earlier in the day. When she gotten there the talk between the two monarchs had started out well and then it had gotten bad and in the end they had decided that their children would decide which kingdom would merge with the other, for they both knew that without an alliance between their two nations their kingdoms would soon be separated between the other kingdoms.

Crown Princess Vasaelisa Arianna Nya Josephine and Crown Prince Sebastian Tobias Cyrus (the eight year old heir of Almidon) would have to capture their counterpart, without harm, and bring them to their Capital where they would expose their charge to their own family in their country. When that had happened they would then be able to take their captured heir's kingdom for their own.  At the thought of what she'd done to her daughter's future she hugged the little girl tightly and got out of the carriage. Little did the Queen know, her daughter was twelve steps ahead of her.

Little Aria was a smart little girl, smarter than any others close to her could even guess, and she knew her mother would eventually succumb to the pressure of kings work, so she had to be ready to take over for her mother as soon as she possibly could. Unbeknownst to her mother Aria had secretly followed her mother the other night, sensing something would happen that she would need to know.  She had quietly listened to their rising argue-mental voices and she had barely gotten away fast enough when her mother had suddenly rushed from the kings guest chambers.  She had quietly slipped back to her own nursery thinking about how she would accomplish the task ahead of her.  Her last thought before falling asleep had been I must protect my fragile mother from the harsh reality of what is to come.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Achluophobia: Fear of darkness.
Only in darkness can a single light shine the brightest.

Acrophobia: Fear of heights.
When you are afraid of the jump the ground seems to get further and further away.

Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
It’s not that bad to not want to be in the main crowd, it only hampers you when you let it make your decisions for you.

Apeirophobia: Fear of infinity.
Infinity is such a giant thought but only a sideways eight symbol, think of the future but don’t stress out so much that it becomes a huge mass of blurry black and dirty gray.

Astraphobia or Astrapophobia: Fear of thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia, Keraunophobia, Brontophobia)
Take time to notice the weather, if you don’t like what’s coming and don’t want to face it alone call up a buddy and watch Barney till the storm passes. (Then you’ll really know what fear is).

Atychiphobia: Fear of failure.
Failure is something that happens a lot, but it is also a stepping stone to future success.  Don’t let failure bring you down, master it and own it.

Aviophobia or Aviatophobia: Fear of flying.
Even I have a fear of flying; if you need to be some place fast, flying is the best option and if not there are many different modes to get to different places.  If you can plan ahead choose accordingly, if not find a way to keep yourself calm.

Chronophobia: Fear of time.
Whether it be fast or slow time runs on its own dime.  It doesn’t take orders from anyone and stays it’s path for better or worse.

Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces.
I have Aviatophobia partly for this reason, I hate enclosed waterslides and it’s probably partly for my wanting to be cremated instead of being enclosed in a casket after my death.

Didaskaleinophobia or Scolionophobia: Fear of going to school.
Now, what student doesn’t have this fear if they don’t happen to have the homework done that’s due that day?

Dishabiliophobia: Fear of undressing in front of someone.
I am very self-conscious so I think this is a rational fear for any and every normal person

Ephebiphobia: Fear of teenagers.
I can say I am a teen, am surrounded by teens, so in effect I know that teens scare the H*** out of me.

Ereuthrophobia: Fear of blushing.
I get embarrassed in front of crowds and that causes me to blush red.  I sometime psych myself out causing myself to fear that faint warmth that starts creeping into my face, getting hotter and hotter.

Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia: Fear of blood.
I don’t have this fear but I have been told it is caused by the mind and is not a real physical reaction to blood.  My theory is that people’s minds immediately start to react to the blood only because it is unnatural for it to be oozing out of yourself, when it should be and stay inside your body.

Heterophobia: Fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia)
I myself have a fear of boys.  I can talk to and act normally around girls but I become a mouse around boys.

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: Fear of the number 666.
Well, a Satanic theme.  I can understand this one I have seen The Omen but other than that it is past the boundary of my mind to comprehend.

Kathisophobia: Fear of sitting down.
This could be and interesting one.
Teacher: “Okay everyone, sit down and turn to page 139.  We will be continuing our lesson from last class.”
*Rustling of pages*
Teacher: “So can anyone give me a recap on what we learned last time?  No one?  It is a simple ques----- Shawn! I do believe I told everyone to sit down, and that includes you.”
Shawn: “You see Teacher, I have a problem with that request, I can’t force myself to s-si-si-sit.”
Teacher: “Why on earth not?”
Shawn: “ Because I have Kathisophobia.”
Teacher: (said with a disgusted sneer) “What on earth is that?”
Shawn: (said sincerely) “It’s the fear of sitting down.”
*class bursts into laughter as Teacher turns red in the face*

Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.
I am afraid of road kill.  I fear it will come back to life just to run me over.

Noctiphobia: Fear of the night.
I personally enjoy the night but at times I also fear the things in the dark closet…

Nomatophobia: Fear of names.
Another fun one.
Substitute: “Class, I will now take attendance.”
Sub: “Anderson?”
Student: “Ahhhhh!”
Anderson: “Here.”
Sub: “Benson?”
Student: “Ahhhhhh!”
Benson: “Here.”
Sub: “Carter.”
Student: “Ahhhhhhh!”
Sub: “Would you please stop screaming, whoever you are?”
Benson: “His name is Shawn ma’am.”
Shawn: “Ahhhhhhhhh!”
Sub: “Well Shawn, would you please stop yelling?”
Shawn: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”
Carter: “He can’t ma’am as long as you are taking role.”
Sub: “Why not?”
The Whole Class: “’Cause he’s got Nomatophobia.”

Panophobia or Pantophobia: Fear of everything.
It’s sad that there are people who have a fear of everything.

Pediophobia: Fear of dolls.
This is rational, have you ever seen one of those dolls that blink?  Try having one in your room blinking and staring at you all night long.

Pedophobia: Fear of children.
Here is an interesting question, have you ever heard of a pedophile having Pedophobia?

Pentheraphobia: Fear of mother-in-law. (Novercaphobia)
This should be on everyone’s list of phobia’s.

Phengophobia: Fear of daylight or sunshine.
Also known as being a VAMPIRE.

Philemaphobia or Philematophobia: Fear of kissing.
Sensible for anyone under sixteen in the state of Utah, and maybe in some parts of India.

Philosophobia: Fear of philosophy.
I don’t know about you but I love me some Plato. I mean come on, his theory of the real world not being real? Priceless!

Phobophobia: Fear of phobias.
See, there is even a name for fearing fear.

Photophobia: Fear of light.
Once again, VAMPIRE. Or in some cases a person on two hours of sleep.

Pyrophobia: Fear of fire.
Ever heard of Dustfinger? Yeah, he’s probably one of the people who has little to absolutely no Pyrophobia.

Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween.
It is the time of witches, wizards, monsters, and other assorted creatures.  If you are not afraid, then I’ll be afraid for both of us.

Selenophobia: Fear of the moon.
What else would werewolf’s and were folk be afraid of?

Sesquipedalophobia: Fear of long words.
I got the chills just trying to say such a loooooong word.  The irony with this diagnosis is that the fear of long words is named by a long word.

Testophobia: Fear of taking tests.
I don’t have this but most of my friends do.  Now that you know its name, how impressed do you think the teachers will be?

Thalassophobia: Fear of the sea.
I have this fear for many reasons one of which is my fear of sharks.  

Thanatophobia or Thantophobia: Fear of death or dying.
We recently talked about this, it’s going to HAPPPEN.  It’s going to happen to you, your friends, family, acquaintances, hero’s, and even to your just about three hundred year old great uncle Jive.

Theatrophobia: Fear of theatres.
My friends would not only disown me if ever admitted to having this, they would happily murder me.  I don’t have it, luckily, and so I’ll occasionally go watch a beautiful classic produced by Lone Peak students.

Thermophobia: Fear of heat.

Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft.
My mom only wishes I had this… to bad I still swish a wand of oak around in an attempt to unleash my as of yet not discovered magical talent. (I’m sure it’s somewhere in me, kind of like the circus that is certainly inside Anastasia’s dancing gown.

If you made it to the end of my post,
You didn’t die of boredom.
Live a long happy life with as much as you can.
Blow away your fears like they are a sprinkling of Fairy dust.
Then you can LIVE.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Orders From Everywhere

I know what it's like to be ordered around.

It is not always fun.

I don't always like it.

I'll procrastinate and get in trouble.

I'll argue and get into more trouble.

And then I'll break something and get into even MORE trouble.
(You DO NOT  want to be around during this time).

However, when you know you're going to die, why not just do it?

Why not just follow the orders you've been given?

'Cause the reality is : we all die.

With that in mind, you should rock out while you still can.

So, here are your Orders From the Man:


Rock out like it's your last night on Earth and you've just found your soul mate.

Rock out like your baby turned out to be a girl instead of the boy you'd both hoped for, but that was OK because... she's perfect.

Rock out like you've just tasted soda for the first time and you don't like the fizz.

Rock out like your boyfriend just broke up with you, and your friends came over to comfort you with a gallon of your favorite ice-cream. (Mine is Blue Bunny Red Velvet Cake).

Rock out like you just got the cliched front-porch-first-kiss and your parents came out and embarrassed you.

Rock out like you just watched the project you've worked for hours on, get ninth place. (it definitely deserved first.... :D)

Rock out like you are twenty-one and your wife just gave you a child.

Rock out like you just turned forty and your celebrating your nineteenth wedding anniversary.

Rock out like your teenage son just graduated from High School.

Rock out like you're ninety and your seventy-fifth university is being celebrated at your spouses grave.

Rock out like you've alzheimer's and you just remembered your grandsons name.

Rock out like you'll live forever, when you don't know how close death actually is.

Rock out like a little kid.

Rock out like a cat being chased by a dog.

Rock out like it's raining and a stranger gives you his umbrella.

Rock out like you time-traveled to the ROARING 50'S.

Rock out like a rainbow after a storm and a colt after it's born.

Rock out like you don't know what everyone's laughing about, 'cause you don't but they are so you want to too.

Rock out like you're best friend just gave you five dollars for lunch when you and your sibling were out of money.

Rock out like you just grabbed the last cookie from the cookie jar.

Rock out like your favorite song started playing from the radio just as you were about to cry.

Rock out like it's finally time to show your true colors, and they are actually seem to shine brighter than you thought they would.

Rock out like you want to follow orders.

Just plain Rock Out

You still haven't realized how precious and quick life is until it's gone.

So take as much time as you can to fly your true flag of colors.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Death just IS

I Never Knew How Frightening Life Could Be,

But Now That It Has Snuck Up On Me,

I Realize,


I am afraid that I won’t live to see tomorrow, but if I do that tomorrow will be the end of me.

I am afraid of the open sky and I wonder why we all couldn’t just FLY.

I am afraid that boys won’t like me and girls secretly talk behind my back about me.

I am afraid of Public Humiliation, and the sin of creation.

I am afraid of what it takes to make it big and how hard it is to fall.

I am afraid that I mean nothing to no one in this vast universe.

I am afraid of drowning and the suddenness of doubting.

I am afraid of failure and how others stare.

I am afraid Of Love and the world above.

I am afraid of the silence in the dark.

I am afraid of snakes, spiders, and sharks.

I am afraid of the vastness of time and male mimes.

I am afraid of having a family to call my own and then losing it.

I am afraid of the earth and the sea.

I am afraid of something, nothing, and everything.

I am afraid of you.

I am afraid of me.

That is just how life is, and now that I know, I can say,


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Walking Alone Towards Dreams of Glory

I walk alone. I walk alone.

In the light’s, gleaming like the sun.  The stage is clean, sparkling under the flashes of the camera’s that are held by no one.  The white noise surrounds me, keeping me locked in a silent battle with myself.  There is no one around, no presence stands out.  I constantly look to the single door at the back of the theater, but it stays shut; locked against people for the rest of eternity.

I walk alone. I walk alone.

I look down at the rows upon rows of perfect black seats that fill this place.  Not a single person there now.  The once enchanting room I’d placed my hopes and dreams upon, though still as glamorous, had lost its shine to me.  Now it was a dull place, a place reminding me of what I’d gained.  Or in other words, what I’d lost.

I walk alone in the world I created.

I’d left behind my innocence just out of high school, foolishly thinking about the fame and glory that were on my Northern horizon, covered in a misty haze of what I’d once thought of as an illustrious shimmer, waiting for me to bathe myself in it.  It had called to me, and I’d walked into it freely, not even noticing the thorny briars which had slithered in silently behind me, closing up the way back.

I walk alone, by myself.

It had led me around like a love sick bee, following the most lovely and holiest scent right into the clutches of the ugliest flower ever created.  It had not a single redeeming quality to make it worthwhile, but it was not till I touched the smarmy petals that I finally felt the spine-chilling sinister shadow that had at some point surrounded me.

I walked alone, into Hell’s wicked embrace.

I had finally figured out what I had done, but I no longer knew how to save myself.  I AM ALONE.  I don’t have an inkling of how to make my way out of this thorny forest’s sickening grasp.  I was too far into this dark haven to know where Home was.  I had left it all behind when my childish naivety had lead me too far into the future.  I was sorry, but I was most sorry about having left Him behind.

I have walked alone.

I betrayed him with my thoughtless adolescent mind.  I’d been so ready to move on to that next stage in life, so I’d thrown him away with everyone and everything I’d ever had. Taking a leap of faith over a 'Road Closed' sign and hoping I’d eventually find my way There, to where I was supposed to have been.

I walked alone, so I never made it There.

I Wanted Him.  I really wanted him now, but I couldn’t find my way in this mindless maze of creepy briar.  I didn’t know the way.  I couldn’t do it by myself.  I was ALONE.  All ALONE.  I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore; I was being pushed deeper and deeper into my dark forest.  I fell to the ground in despair, all was lost, all was gone.  It was all hopeless, I AM ALONE!  And then something changed.

I sat alone.

I’d received a card... from Him!  He was still with me!  A pinky nail sized ray of light shinned into heart, and it was the most dazzling thing I’d seen in so long.  My eyes welled with tears, but I stood up, dusted myself off, and began to follow the light.

I walk alone, but I wasn’t ALONE,(and, if I wasn’t mistaken, the briars in the direction I’d started for where just a titch bit thinner than those around them.)

I Walk Alone, Towards You…