About Me

MY Pen Name is Avian Dream, I like it so if you don't, the exit button is at the top right, (it's the red square with the white X.) I Love Reading, Writing, and A WHOLE bunch of other things. If you like me you like me, if you don't you don't, I don't care. For those of you that do like what I'm writing, Enjoy.

Monday, December 12, 2011

This is for the insomniac dreamers, the astronomers too afraid to become astronauts, this is for the old people who still don't want to grow up.

Be Yourself

This is for the writers who can't finish a single story before moving on to the next, for the artists who are still amateurs at best, this is for the pianists whose favorite song is still 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star'.

Be Yourself

This is for the children who can't reach, the babie's who can't walk, and the teens who can't read...

Be Yourself

This is for the singers who mess up on stage, the dancers who fall hard, and this one is for the men whose live proposal gets rejected.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself for those who can't, for those who are stuck in the moulds they were born in, for those who are to artificial, and those who are made of to much plastic and Botox to even think about leting that all go.

Just Be Yourself!

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